Sunday, May 25, 2008

#201. Remember When Micheal Jackson Was Black?

I am always trying not to sound like my parents did by always talking about "back in the days" but its hard not when everything is always changing. The older I get, the more I sound like my dad. Oh well, here goes.#202. Remember when there was no reality shows?#203. Why do kids wear there clothes so big?#204. Remember when Summer came early and lasted long?#205. What happened to the A-Team?#206. Who else had a Bo lo Bat?#207. Does anyone remember the Atari 2600?#208. What about Colecovision?#209. Can anyone get me a Stretch Armstrong?#210. Remember Saturday Morning cartoons?#211. Who still remembers the Wonder Twins?#212. Did the creators of the original Batman T.V. Show think "BIFF" was the real sound a punch?#213. Why did our parents buy knee patches for our jeans?
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